Guiding your body back to its natural flow


Are you listening to what your body is telling you?

When the body is overloaded with stress that it hasn’t been able to process, be it physical, chemical or emotional stress, the body protects us by storing it in the body, in the nervous system creating a blockage. These blockages interfere with the communication between the brain and the body, the messages can’t get through and so the energy, life-force, spinal wave isn’t able to flow freely. This is when symptoms of pain, dis-ease and illness appear in the 7 gateways of the spine. Each gateway is connected to different tissues, nerves, cells and organs of the body and each gateway holds its own symptoms.

Spinal Flow Technique activates the body’s innate wisdom and intelligence to heal itself by releasing these blockages.

Spinal Flow Technique is an incredibly powerful yet gentle healing modality that was founded by Dr Carli Axford, a former chiropractor for over 20 years who wanted to come up with a technique that dealt with the cause of pain, dis-ease and illness, rather than the symptom. It was at the Texas Back Institute USA, that she used the Spinal Flow technique and saved 85% of the patients from requiring back surgery. How amazing is that! She now teaches Spinal Flow technique to students from all around the world who want to become certified practitioners and who want to join her mission to heal the world. No matter where you are on your journey, know that you will be well supported by me and your path to greater health and wellness will be our priority as we work together to achieve this for you.

“As a certified Practitioner of Spinal Flow technique, I’ve been taught the 33 access points to help people find, feel and release these blockages so that their body is free from interference. The brain and the body reconnect and the spinal wave can bring the energy, life force and ease back into the body making for profound and lasting results.” - Karon